Disinformation in Audio, Spotify Fallout, Anti-vaxxers and Human Sacrifice: Inoculated Newsletter (03.02.2022)

Last week was all about disinformation in podcasts, more specifically, antivax disinformation on Joe Rogan's podcast on Spotify. If you need some more background, here's my Medium post.

πŸ“°News of the week:

  1. The Washington Post gives us a look inside post-Rogangate Spotify.
  2. The Verge has a take on Spotify's response.
  3. The Guardian takes a look at how Substack, the newsletter platform, profits from anti-vax content.

⬆️ Re-up of the week:

Sinister sounds: podcasts are becoming the new medium of misinformation
While social networks are clamping down on dangerous content, podcasting is giving it a largely unmoderated platform

πŸ”¬Research of the week:

Social-media platforms failing to tackle abuse of scientists
A report by activists found that half of debunked online disinformation targeting three prominent scientists remains live and unlabelled.

πŸ“ Longform of the week:

The Anti-vaccine Right Brought Human Sacrifice to America
Since last summer, the conservative campaign against vaccination has claimed thousands of lives for no ethically justifiable purpose.

πŸ”¬Research of the week:

Intentions to be Vaccinated Against COVID-19: The Role of Prosociality and Conspiracy Beliefs across 20 Countries
(2022). Intentions to be Vaccinated Against COVID-19: The Role of Prosociality and Conspiracy Beliefs across 20 Countries. Health Communication. Ahead of Print.

πŸ“²Tweet of the week: