Radicalized Parents, Global Vaccine Disinformation Web, Inoculated Newsletter (09.06.2022)

📰 News:

  1. A wave of parents has been radicalized by Covid-era misinformation to reject ordinary childhood immunizations — with potentially lethal consequences, according to the New York Times.
  2. How a biotech company battles online lies about its COVID vaccine, Fortune reports.
  3. American influencers built a global  network of vaccine disinformation, according to Mother Jones.

📝 Longform:

Health Workers Fill the Gaps for Millions of Zimbabwean Villagers
The workers play a pivotal role in the country’s health system, providing care and fighting misinformation.

🎁Bonus read:

Ask a Scientist: How to Disarm Disinformation
Given the pervasiveness of disinformation, I recently had the chance to talk with Dr. Marjanovic bilingual senior prganizer with the UCS Center for Science and Democracy, about her recent guide—Countering Disinformation in Your Community—and asked her to share some real-world examples of advocacy gr