Welcome back! And welcome to a new season of The Inoculated newsletter. Keep on reading to stay on top of what's happening in disinformation. Here's the 📰News: 1. A Russia-based influence operation network has been operating in Europe since at least May 2022 and is still
📰News of the week: 1. U.S. intelligence officials said Zerohedge, a conservative financial news website, with a significant American readership is amplifying Kremlin propaganda, according to the AP [https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-coronavirus-pandemic-health-moscow-media-ff4a56b7b08bcdc6adaf02313a85edd9?utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=AP] . Here's our episode
Last week was all about disinformation in podcasts, more specifically, antivax disinformation on Joe Rogan's podcast on Spotify. If you need some more background, here [https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/01/human-sacrifice-ritual-mass-vaccination/621355/] 's my Medium post. 📰News of the week: 1. The Washington Post
📰News of the week: 1. An unvaccinated Czech folk singer died [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/20/world/hana-horka-covid-czech-singer.html] after she celebrated catching the coronavirus. 2. Russian disinformation is rife in countries formerly ruled from Moscow. Some ex-Soviet states have tried to suppress it altogether by banning Russian
Before we go on vacation next week, here's the last news roundup for this year. 📰News of the week: 1. How [https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-entertainment-business-health-public-health-4997be1bcf591fe8b7f1f90d16c9321e] Robert F. Kennedy Jr. built an anti-vaccine imperium. 🔬Research of the week: 1. An overview [https://www.isdglobal.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/
Anti-vax groups in Germany more radicalized, Disinformation in Spanish
Hey {first_name, "there"}, you're reading Inoculated [www.theinoculation.com/], a weekly newsletter that explores the intersection of anti-vaccine beliefs, technology, and politics. I'm Eva von Schaper [https://twitter.com/EvavonSchaper] and I write this newsletter together with Daiva Repečkaitė [https://twitter.com/daiva_
How does a tiny Spanish-language newsletter in Peru combat misinformation? Is 🐨Australia actually Scooby-Doo? Inoculated Newsletter
📰News of the week: 1. Germany, Austria and Switzerland are lagging in their vaccination rates. The FT makes [https://www.ft.com/content/f04ac67b-92e4-4bab-8c23-817cc0483df5] out the countries' unemotional health communication as the main reason. 2. This Forsa poll [https://newsletter.forsa.de/file/332/1447/6_wahlverhalten_der_nicht-geimpften]
Inoculated, a weekly newsletter that explores the intersection of anti-vaccine beliefs, technology, and politics. I'm Eva von Schaper and I write this newsletter together with Daiva Repečkaitė. If you like the newsletter, listen to our podcast, The Inoculation!
Oh Facebook, Don't Be Like That; Was Colin Powell's Death Weaponized by Anti-Vaxxers?: Inoculated Newsletter
It's not Propaganda, it's Ampliganda, Americans Worry about Disinformation, Inoculated Newsletter (14.10.2021)